Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A writing prompt

One way to use your 100 words a day is to explore. And something fun to explore is different genres. Perhaps you've wanted to try an historical, but don't have an idea that will carry an entire tale. Or, you want to see if you can up your writing heat level to an erotic level. Or could be a clan of shapeshifters has laid claim to part of your creative processes and wants to experience their world in a story. Maybe you've been writing sexy and you want to try inspirational. (Not that sexy can't be inspirational, mind you.) Steampunk, anyone?

So here's your challenge for today. I'm giving you some pictures. Not necessarily romantic pictures, but you can take your choice of the football we know here in the U.S.

Or the worldwide version...


Or even the more casual flag type...

 Lingerie league anyone?

And write your 100 words today in a new genre or style--using football!
**This 100 day challenge post brought to you by... football!

Monday, September 26, 2011


While I'm trying to pass on my own thoughts for my 100 day blog challenge (yep, folks. this is it for today!) sometimes I come across something interesting, wonderful, hilarious, that just needs to be passed on.  And so today I send you to http://annemarienovark.com/?p=22 to where Anne Marie Novark shares her ten easy steps for getting back in the writing groove.

Groovy, man, groovy.

Friday, September 23, 2011

What Does 100 Words Look Like?

**this is a 100 day challenge post!

Sometimes 100 seems like a lot. 100 miles when you're aching to get somewhere seems to take forever.

 Spending 100 dollars at the grocery store--oh that goes way too fast!

100 words can come either fast, or slow. It depends on the day. On your writing mood. On the pace of your story. Whether the writing is habit or not. (Lay ya odds--if you're in the habit of writing every day, most of the time those 100 words will come pretty quick.)

So? What does 100 words look like?

one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred

one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred

one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred
one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred one hundred 

Cut and paste these 100 words then replace each one with words of your own! That's not too hard now, is it?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another 100 day Challenge

One year ago, I challenged HWG (and anyone else who's listening) to write 100 words a day for 100 days. Why 100 days, and why now? Because Thursday September 22, 2011 marks the 100th day until the end of the year.

Anyone else wondering where the heck this year went? Whew, talk about some speeding by days.

Today, I'm offering another challenge. I like 100 days. I like 100 words. So...

Challenge yourself
and cheer on your fellow authors--
commit to writing 100 words a day
 for 100 days.

Yeah, I can hear you now. But the holidays... but my kids' activities... but the Huskers are playing. Yeah. I use lots of excuses, too. HOWEVER--writers write. By definition, that's what we do. It's way too easy to fall out of the habit. Writing 100 words a day is a lovely way o reform that habit, and keep it going strong. Even if your moments seem overrun by demands (those you put on yourself and those piled high by loved ones, co-workers, the pets) take a deep breath, find a favorite pen, a pillow for your back, a inspirational beverage, and write 100 words. 
Photo credit: tnichols from morguefile.com

I'm not asking that you necessarily write those words on your work in progress. Maybe you need to post a blog. Perhaps you are a journaler and use those words to keep pace with your thoughts. Maybe you need to write a presentation. Or be old fashioned and write a letter to a friend. 100 words can be used in oh so many ways.

Photo credit: jppi from morguefile.com

In the spirit of encouraging you to write, I'll even offer this suggestion. If you know you have an event or committment soon, write a few extra words leading up to that day. Aim for 700 words a week and you'll have 10,000 words on New Year's Eve. What a great way to start 2012!
The goals guru is upping the stakes for this 100 day challenge. She'll be posting on one of her blogs each day. (And hopefully, she won't count the posts giving next week's menus on the lunch lady blog.) Follow her around, and keep a list of which blog and what she talks about. (A tracker is available if you ask.) Keep me company for the rest of the year and wonderful surprises will be had at the January Heartlandian retreat! (Or  around the second weekend of January if you can't make the retreat.)

100 words in 100 days!
 Who's with me?