Saturday, March 30, 2013

Skating Spectacular Exhibition!

The crowning event of most skating competition is the exhibition. Skaters throw off the nerves of competing and often show the audience another side of their skating personality. How much fun is that?

However, with the RAH Skating Spectacular, the exhibition comes before the awards ceremony, giving each team the opportunity to earn more points toward their total score. It doesn't matter how well you've 'skated' during this event, your writing can participate in this exhibition.

And how do we do that?

It's really quite simple. Each exhibition consists of seven sentences from your current work in progress. It doesn't matter where in the work the sentences appear--but they should appear together :) No explanation of the excerpt...just post the sentences. Dialog, narrative, it doesn't matter.

Post your sentences in the comments section below using the following format...

Each exhibition will add 7 points to your team's totals.

Now, show us what you've got!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Hi lizzie,  I've been writing memoir essays; life's little stories at my great nieces' request. I've written ten new pages again this month.

I've also been reading. I finished Mary Connealy's new book, Out of Control. Loved it. Her settings of the old west are great. I also love strong heroes ( with flaws) and even stronger heroines. This newest book even has a hint of Paradise Lost, with secret valleys and prehistoric fish. It's a page turner for sure.

Connie Crow

Monday, March 4, 2013

Page reporting time!

It's page reporting time for all Heartlandians!

So, in the comments section leave your name, the number of new pages you've written since the last time you reported, and/or the total number of heavily edited pages.

Don't forget--read a book that has some connection, however small, to figure skating and give us a short review. Earn points for your team!

The warm up period is over. Time to get on the ice and report!