"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. ~~Thomas Edison
Look around you for opportunities. Right here you'll find an opportunity to write 100 words a day for 100 days. I don't know if this challenge is dressed in overalls, but writing is work. Even committing to a seemingly insignificant number of words every day--is work. Honing your craft--is work. Fighting through days when it seems there aren't even 100 words to string together--is work. You may never know what your writing life could be if you don't take on the work--or the challenge.
Need a kick start? Write 100 words about this car. Who originally owned this car? Where has it been driven? Who drives it now? Why is it purple?
Stop back on day 99--yep, that's a challenge!
I do love this quote. What a guy.