Heartland Writers Group
Winter Retreat
Clearing Out The Cobwebs
When : January 13-15, 2012
High points of the weekend include the best of the best from the past, present and future:
Writing Sprints
Fun and camaraderie
Casual discussions
Our fabulous Awards Luncheon
More info & schedule coming soon
Country Inn and Suites
11818 Miami Street
Omaha Ne
Make your room reservation by December 13, 2011 for the special double room retreat rate of $91.00/night
What to Bring:
magazines, pictures, calendars, scissors, glue sticks, bling or whatever for collaging, writing tools, your writing calendar, comfy clothing, ideas and characters to brainstorm, snacks to share, your smile and laughter.
To register and pay the $35 fee for the retreat contact us today:
I'm packing now. :)