Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July Heat and Page Counts Meet

The heat of summer. What a perfect time to stay inside and write. 
And this week is the time to report all those newly written pages...whether heat inspired or not.

In the comments, leave your total number of newly written pages, your total of heavily edited pages, and your name if you post anonymously. 

If you have an unreported, charm worthy event, comment with that as well!

your guru thanks you! 


  1. hi,55 pages, 25 heavy edited,3 queries


  2. I have had too much slacker time in the month of June.
    Also TWO galley revisions so work but no forward progress on the WIP.
    I will report 76 pages.

    Also: Charm worthy maybe?
    Second Place in the Inspirational Short category of the International Digital Awards contest for my Christmas novella Sweetest Gift --part of the 'At Home For Christmas' Anthology.

    1. How wonderful, Mary. Congratulations! God bless.

  3. After several difficult months with personal issues, I'm pulling myself together. I edited an entire book, changing a character and adding point of views, plus I got it indie published on the 1st.

    I have written 3 pages on my contracted manuscript.

    And I am 1/3 of the way through Stephen's King's On Writing. I do confess I had read it before, so this is a refresher.

  4. Will miss the meeting again. I have an event that day. When you get done, stop by and visit me signing books at Northwest Hills Church, 9334 Fort St., Omaha. Now, for this months pages. I wrote 18 new pages and four edited ones. The Lord's blessings to all and hope to make next months. At this point, it looks good.

  5. Hi, all,

    I'm bummed that I'll have to miss the meeting, too. The baby shower is this Saturday. And the guest of honor gets to attend since he came early. :)

    My report is: 12 new pages and 47 heavily editted.

    See you all next month, Louise

  6. I have 5 hard fought for new pages. I will be at the meeting. Hope to see everyone on Saturday.


  7. 12 new. 3 Heavily edited. Chuga Chuga Chugga...Gonna get there. I think I can..........I think i can..........oh good grief why is this the hardest thing I love to do...............?

  8. 1 page written :( and I'm nearly halfway through "Mockingbird A Portrait of Harper Lee" by Charles J Shields. The book explores Lee's life, her relationship with Truman Capote and the parallels between her life and that of Scout in "To Kill a Mockingbird."

  9. I have 4 pages to report.

  10. 7/12/13
    I have three new pages.

  11. I edited & revised 3 pages of the WIP scene written and posted for the game challenge; wrote 9 "morning" pages in journal; wrote 2 1/2 pages of outline for WIP; proofread ebook novel for author. I re-read all my marked pages of Stephen King's book, On Writing--they never fail to inspire me.
