Sunday, June 21, 2009

BIAW Sunday

Hey *lizzie, I can only participate in the biaw for 3 days...
Wow! That's okay. Participate when you can--just report your goal to the loop and how you do on the days you can participate.

Hey *lizzie, I wanna make my goal for timed writing.
That's okay too. just let us know.

hey *lizzie. I want to participate but I'm shy and I don't want others to know how silly my goal seems.
Opps, that's not okay. Part of the biaw experience is being accountable for your goal! Whether you make your pages or not!

hey *lizzie. So I want to write five pages this week. What's so cool about that?
You know, those who have reported their goals are aiming for page counts that already total over half of a book on our growth chart! I'm excited to see how many pages Connie's timed writing will add to that. I'm hoping--no I am expecting us to add enough pages to the growth chart to equal one bar. That's 400 pages. We're over half way there. Your five pages could be the ones to put us over that unofficial goal.

hey *lizzie, count me in
Brilliant! Just send me your goals and how long you can participate this week. Check in every day. Watch the HWG blog for updates!

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