Triva: The first RWA Chapter #81 Retreat was held October 23-24, 1998 at the Hampton Inn in Omaha, reported then-president Cindy Rutledge in the RAH Cheering Section. (At that time the chapter was called Romance Authors of the Heartland.) With almost 30 writers in attendance, a good time was practically guaranteed.
Cindy went on to say: "The festivities kicked off with a potluck on Friday evening. Thanks to our Iowa members for hosting a rousing game of Romance Jeopardy, complete with elaborate game board and prizes. The night concluded with breaking into groups for critique. It's amazing how many talented writers we have in our chapter.
"Saturday morning began bright and early (especially considering the late night we all put in on Friday). The interactive workshops were informative, stimulating and fun! There was something for everyone. In one workshop, for instance, we read advertisements or looked at photographs and tried coming up with a plot or a great hook.
"Ask those who attended and I'm sure you'll hear a common refrain--they honed (well, maybe they wouldn't say honed) their writing skills, met some new people and had a fabulous time. Last but not least they want to do it again!"
Bernadette Duquette was the retreat coordinator that year. And guess what, we were holding our monthly meetings at The Old Country Buffet on 144th and Center!
Julie Breese handled the Chapter Cheers column for the print newsletter, and among the reports - Cindy Rutledge placed first in the Touched By Love Contest and had her inspirational novel, Faith on a Harley, go on to an editor. [Cheryl adds: Cindy sold that book.] Cheryl St.John received a first place award for The Truth About Toby from Under the Covers Readers Favorites.
Officers were:
President; Cindy Rutledge
Vice-President: Chery Griffin
Secretary; Becky Royer
Treasurer: Barb Hunt
Newsletter Editor: Debra Hines
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