Monday, July 27, 2009

HWG Member Theresa Sallach Interviewed by Janet Nitsick

HWG member Theresa Sallach is a CBS real estate agent and if you want to sell or buy a home, she is the girl to call. Her office is located at 9412 Giles Road in La Vista or call her at 297-8365.

Janet: Theresa, what are your passions and hobbies? Were they generated in childhood or formed later in life? What drew you to these?

Theresa: Hmm, Passions, well, I love to read, that's a given. I've read for a long time, since I could learn to read. My father always had an extensive library of books. I remember reading all the Boxcar Children series. Love those books. Hmm, wonder whatever happened to those?

Reading was an escape. I could delve into someone else’s world and dream. Live the adventures through a well written book. The ones that stick in your mind are the ones that stay with you for the rest of your life. Guess I'll have to check e-Bay for those Boxcar Children books.

As far as hobbies, my hobbies have waned more and more until I really don't have many anymore, or if I really think about it, probably nothing. I should get another hobby, but usually my hobbies turn into a business. Back in 1978, it started with macrame. You all remember macrame. Those plant holders, key chains, table with wire fames, lamps. I did it all. That turned into craft business, graduating to photo albums, victorian crafts, floral arrangements, then wood crafts, painted furniture, antiques and collectables.

I could cut out a shape, or glue gun with the best of them. Need a hem fixed, glue gun. Need a shape cut out, band saw. My husband once bought me a nail gun for Christmas, and I was the happiest little camper. Well, not too happy when I nailed my finger to a project or had to go to the emergency room when I tried to cut off my thumb, but I was happy, especially when things sold well, and customers loved the things they bought.

I maintained that "hobby" for 27 years until 2006 when I went cold turkey. I haven't looked back and sad to say, I don't miss that part of my life. I do miss the customers and friends I made along the way. But, I can always stay in touch with them. And, I still get some gratification when from time to time, I show a house and something I've made is on their wall, or sitting outside as a yard decoration.

Janet: You are a member of HWG. How did you hear about the organization, and why did you decide to join?

Theresa: In 2005 when I decided to close my store, I revisited a hobby I'd forsaken; reading. I'd started writing years ago, but with my young boys and other things, I hadn't pursued my writing at that time. In the downtimes in the store, I stated to write, did research online for local chapters, searching for help and advice on writing and other things an author should know. I found Pam Crooks and she led me to HWG. I joined in the Spring of 2006.

Janet: Tell us about your writing career, and where you are at in that process? You write romantic comedy, suspense and paranormal. Why do these genres interest you, and what is your favorite category.

Theresa: Ah yes, my writing career. Hmm, well, I like to have a good laugh and enjoy reading romantic comedy, and I think I'm funny! Hopefully others will too. I think with the trials of life in general, to sit down with a good funny book that can take you away into their world and make you laugh is worth a lot.

I enjoy a good suspense that can surprise me and make me think. I started writing romantic suspense first, and had a manuscript partial done, when I discovered the writing "rules". Uhggg!! That's ones in cyber freeze in my computer, but I still think it's a good story.

I think my current favorite genre is paranormal. The genre is so open. You can create anyone to do anything. The sky's the limit. The only limitations are your own imagination. I'm currently working on a paranormal/urban fantasy with JJ Keller, an established e-published author. The title of the book is Dark Justice, a sequel to Keller’s book, Dark Shadow.

Janet: How would you describe yourself, fun-loving, serious, etc.? Why?

Theresa: Uggg!! Those are hard questions. I can be fun-loving, but I worry about breaking the rules. The nice thing about writing is your characters can do wild and crazy things you wouldn't do yourself. And, revenge in words is very satisfying. *wink*

If I think need to be serious, I can be, but hopefully I've learned to be a little more tactful. I guess that comes with age, and most of the time I temper my serious nature with humor. Sometimes you can get your point across better that way.

Janet: Give us some background information about yourself, family, grandchildren and what warms your heart and keeps it pumping.

Theresa: I just hit the half century mark this year and I took that pretty well. No gray hair yet, that's a plus. Didn't have the meltdown I had at forty. Although AARP has been killing several Rain Forests sending me advertising. LOL!!

I've been married for almost 32 years. WOW! Just typing that really sounds like a long time. Wonder how he put up with me all this time. He's a great guy, patient, unlike me. At times anyhow. I have three sons, and two grandchildren. Our grandchildren live with us, with our ex-daughter-in-law. Don't ask! That's a book in its self.

I guess what warms my heart is friends and family. Knowing when I have a problem, or someone else has a problem, together things work out. God has a way of making things, (even when I screw up), come out on the positive side. I've learned that lesson well this year.

Janet: You live in the Midwest. Why did you decide to settle there?

Theresa: Well, I could call it Fate, but I know better. This might seem strange, but every house we've ever bought, I knew we were going to live there. And I didn't want to live here. I'd looked at this house a month before I brought my husband through, knowing he'd like it and not wanting to go with that flow. Evidently, someone else had decided differently. We've lived here almost fourteen years now, and I don't see us moving anytime soon.

Janet: We appreciate your time and answers. We have enjoyed getting a glimpse of line 31 of the roster. Give Theresa a round of applause!


  1. I enjoyed learning more about you, Theresa! I love a woman with a glue gun.

    Thanks for the great interview, Janet.

  2. Great interview! Ah, I remember those macrame days. I started this huge project with my (now) ex... it was three feet wide and six long. We called the piece He-She-It. Nope, don't wonder whatever happened to that. You brought back some crafting memories!

    How much fun is it to learn about other writers this way? Tons!
