Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 18b--Celebrating Accomplishments

It's important to acknowledge each little step you take on your way to achieving your goals. Whether slowly or quickly, these small accomplishments add up. And, isn't it easy to build upon each success?

Add up your accomplishments. Even something that seems so insignificant--like buying that needed ink cartridge--pushes you toward a completed goal. How can you have your weekly pages to show off at critique if you can't print them?

Use your calendar, or keep a journal handy, and each week take some time to think about your accomplishments--large and small. Then write these moments down. Yep, do it each week! Continue to build your list of 'I did it' s.


There will come a time when you need a boost. Writing is hard work. You'll get tired. Discouraged. You'll wonder why.  At those moments, pull out your calendar, journal or list and read. Re-Discover the joys and successes of your small accomplishments... you may find just the bit of encouragement you need to go on.

Who better to cheer you on--than yourself?
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