Monday, October 25, 2010

day 67--the power 100

The National Novel Writing Month begins in one week. There's a number of Heartlandians aiming to up their word counts for the month--check out the list in the side bar. We're going to be writing more than 100 words a day for these 30 days. If you're not participating in NaNoWriMo--keep on writing your 100 words a day! Remember that every word counts!

So, Heartlandians--ready to write? Have you told the people you interact with that your availability will be limited during November. Have you planned how to keep the word count growing while life continues on? Figured out a way to get the laundry to do itself? (If you have, please post here--I'll bet there's a bunch of us who'd like that information!)

Do whatever planning you need to do. Get a calendar (there's so many monthly calendars you can print online) and post it where you can see it. Fill in your word count every day! Visualize your progress and see your success!

We'll keep getting ready for NaNo this week, so if you have suggestions, hints, fears or just plain wanna talk about it, post in the comments. There's a whole group here to encourage, help and celebrate!

Get Ready...

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