Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 86--the power 100

Noid, much loved lab/chow mix, was a big (literally) part of my family. Yep, he was the inspiration for Noid in my Keltic books. My bro took this picture, then after Noid crossed the rainbow bridge, made this colorful composite.

Take a close look at each picture. Isn't it interesting how different details or highlights show in each color? And each seems to reflect a different part of Noid's personality. I see the playfulness of the rolly polly pup he'd been (unbelievably, he was the runt of the litter), as well as the wisdom of age reflected in his nearly gray muzzle and face. The purple pulls me in the most, and makes me smile.

How does this relate to writing? Just as there are many ways of looking at a situation or a character, there's also much that colors our reactions. We often think of colors with emotions. Red is anger or power. Blue more calming. Purple is royal or spiritual. Yellow is cheery. Green is natural.

Try placing a character in a situation where a color stimulates a completely different reaction than we'd normally expect.

(Think Noid is a funny name? My bro got Noid from his boss when he worked for Dominos--long, long ago when their advertising icon was...the Noid.)

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